David Schubert
Co-Founder & Board Secretary

Joint Christian Association- USA, Inc, d/b/a Hope Building Center- DR Congo
Joint Christian Association- USA, Inc is a US based tax-exempt Christian charitable organization (Tax ID no. 88-3550330) that supports the incredible work being done by the Hope Building Center (HOBC) in Goma, located in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo since 2023.
Through our partnership with Hope Building Center-DR Congo, JCA-USA, Inc is giving hope to, supporting and empowering war rescued children and vulnerable women in eastern DR Congo so that they can become future Christian leaders in their villages and communities.
Whether it is providing school fee sponsorships and medical fees to vulnerable orphaned children and former child soldiers, assisting vulnerable women to break the chains of poverty, providing Christian-based training to women and children so that they can become leaders in bringing reconciliation and leadership to their churches and communities, or the completion of the construction of the small brick and mortar orphanage dorm that will become home for some of the most vulnerable children under HOBC’s care, your donation will make a huge impact in an area of deep need.
All donations going to Joint Christian Association-USA, Inc, are tax deductible in USA. Just click here to donate and give as you can.
If you are a church leader, Christian organization leader, company leader or individual and you want to establish ongoing partnership or join our efforts, please contact David Schubert at:
Tel: +1214-289-4474 Email:david@hopebuildingcenter.org P.O Box: 900 Jackson St. Suite 630, Dallas Texas 75202, USA God bless you!