Hope Building Center (HOBC)
Beschreibung der Situation
Die Demokratische Republik Kongo ist das zweitgrößte Land Afrikas, gilt jedoch als eines der ärmsten Länder der Welt, mit 77 % der Bevölkerung, die in Armut leben und auf……
Pastor Jean besucht ein Lager für Vertriebene in der Nähe von Goma
Pastor Jean hilft einer armen Familie mit Essen und Geld für ein kleines Einkommen generierendes Geschäft
HOBC verteilt Lebensmittel an die vertriebenen Familien
- Ongoing clashes between M23 and the national army have been reported since December 2022, creating chaos among the population of the North-Kivu and as a result over 800,000 people live in displacement camps and hundreds live in critical conditions in host families around Hope Building Center premises.
- ADF NALU, a terrorist group with roots in Uganda. This group is reported by the US Government to have close ties with the international Islamist group. It has been killing innocent people in North-Kivu and Ituri provinces since 2014 resulting in the displacement of the population towards Goma town and neighboring cities.
Following various wars and violence since early 1994, the Democratic Republic of Congo is unfortunately reported to have more than 100 armed groups with estimated 40% of members being children under 18. According to International Labor Organization, more than one-third of the world’s 300,000 child soldiers are in Democratic Republic of Congo (grip.org).
We exist to empower and give hope to former child soldiers, war- orphaned children, street children, displaced kids and war-affected women through child sponsorship, art-therapy and gospel-based trainings.
Vom hoffnungslosen und chaotischen Leben voller Traurigkeit zu einem hoffnungsvollen und gesicherten Leben voller Liebe und Freude!

Amina Mahemu
Vor dem Aufrufen des Programms

Amina Mahemu
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